Delivery by Food Truck

Food Trucks
Deliver to Your Door


HotSpot – Delivery by food truck connects consumers to
high quality restaurant food delivered to their door,
while dispensing with the middleman delivery-driver model. 
Order with HotSpot, and you get the food truck AS the delivery truck. 

Hot Diggity.png
The best delivery.png
2017-04-10 12.46.10.jpg

Welcome to the way delivery should be.


How it works. A HotSpot is created when a food truck is near by. The app sends you a text alerting you to the available trucks that are delivering.  Ordering, payment, and tip are included in the app.  Once your order has been placed, that truck drives to you, completes meal preparation, and brings the order to the door.


HotSpot 2.0 is in the Works!

Loring Park

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